Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Preparing Your Bathroom and Kitchen for Fall and Winter

Preparing Your Bathroom and Kitchen for Fall and Winter

Fall is here, which means winter is just around the corner. With temperatures expected to drop, it’s time to prepare your kitchen and bathroom for the cold weather ahead. The best time to begin the home maintenance projects is now so that you and your family will be warm and comfortable throughout the colder months. Bathroom Plumbing
Bathrooms and kitchens are usually colder than the other rooms in your house, which could lead to them being uncomfortable places to spend time in during chilly mornings or evenings. More frigid temperatures in your bathroom and kitchen can also create problems for your furniture, appliances, and plumbing, which could lead to expensive repairs come spring.
To make sure your bathrooms and kitchen are prepared for the colder season, there are some steps you can take, which will lead to a warm and cozy environment all over your home.

Tips to Prepare Your Bathroom and Kitchen for Cold Weather

Preparing your home for the cold weather up ahead doesn’t have to be difficult. Use the following tips to get things ready and help avoid costly repairs down the line.
Check your heating system: You’ll need to ensure that your heater is working correctly in your entire house, including your bathroom and kitchen. Fall is an excellent time to contact a professional for an annual check-up, as they will inspect your system and make sure that it’s working correctly. During this inspection, the expert should also change your air filters and check your ducts for any debris or mold.
Reverse your ceiling fans: You may not know it, but reversing and using your ceiling fans during winter will help to reduce your heating bill. When you run the fan in a clockwise direction at a low-speed setting, it will move the air at the top of the room downwards, making sure to spread the heat evenly throughout any room. Your fan should have a reverse switch, so check your manufacturer’s instructions if you aren’t able to find it.

Insulate your pipes: To avoid your pipes freezing during the winter, they should be correctly insulated. As well as pipe insulation, your walls should also be protected and your house should be kept at a warm temperature, making sure the pipes aren’t subjected to freezing temperatures. For added protection, you can install additional insulation around your pipes.

Check your water heater: Proper water heater maintenance will ensure that you are not stuck with cold water during winter. Your water heater should be running efficiently, so you’ll have hot water for showering, washing your hands, and washing dishes all winter long. Before the cold weather sets in, inspect the tank for any corrosion or rust and check all valves and pipes for holes or leaks. Rheem-Water-Heaters-San-Antonio
Turn on your humidifier: Using a humidifier will help with the dry air around your home. Dry air can be the cause of allergy symptoms and dry skin, as well as cause damage to paint, wood, and electronics. Humidified air will also feel warmer, so you won’t need to use as much heat.

A few small changes to prepare your bathroom and kitchen will help ensure that your home is protected and safe for the winter, and you, your family and your friends will be comfortable and warm. If you need to schedule a professional maintenance to review your water heater, or HVAC system, contact a professional plumbing service today.

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

How To Remove Rust Stains From Tubs, Toilets, and Sinks

How To Remove Rust Stains From Tubs, Toilets, and Sinks

Rust stains aren’t always the result of a rust problem in the water or your plumbing system. If water has a sufficiently high iron content, it will leave rust stains behind, even if it appears to be clear and tastes normal. Therefore, if you live in an area that has a lot of underground iron deposits, it’s very likely that the iron leaching into the groundwater will lead to troublesome rust stains in your porcelain. Remove staines from Tubs
The most common place for rust stains to appear is where standing water is standard, such as your toilet bowl. Any streaks leading down from the outlets into your bowl or a brownish ring around the water line could be rust stains which you can’t quickly remove with your usual toilet cleaners.
Best Way To Clean Rust Stains
Cleaning rust stains can be difficult, especially if they’ve been around for a while as severe rust stains can permanently be etched into your porcelain over time. Some of the best remedies to remove these stubborn stains are the following:
Pumice stones: This crumbly and airy volcanic rock can gently scour away stains, and some pumice products are created especially for removing any rust stains from your toilet, sink, and tubs. Look for a pumice scrubber or stick that’s designed for tile and porcelain. A lot of elbow grease will be needed, but it will be worth it in the end, and also better for your wallet, as you won’t need to purchase lots of different cleaning products.
Abrasive scouring pads: To lift away light stains, all you may need is the rough side of your standard two-color dish sponge. If your stains are a bit more stubborn, there are specially designed scouring pads, which were created with tough stains on tubs and toilets in mind. A scouring pad is an eco-friendly and economical option, as you won’t need to use any chemicals, and you can clean and reuse the pad a few times. stained bath tub
Salt and lemon juice: If you want to try the most natural remedy, or you don’t have any pumice stones or scouring pads at hand, you can potentially still clean the stains without having to take a trip to the store. Combine lemon juice and salt until you form a wet paste, and this potent combination can successfully remove any rust stains if given enough time to penetrate.
The wet paste formed by lemon juice and salt isn’t particularly sticky, so using this technique in a toilet bowl can be complicated, but it’s a fantastic option for tub drains and sinks, which have a flat surface. After applying the mixture, let it soak for a few hours, and use a toothbrush to scrub it away.
Chemical cleaners: If the stains are really tough and you can’t lift them with the above environmentally friendly techniques, then you can bring out the big guns: chemical cleaners. However, you need something stronger than your everyday cleaner; it needs to be stronger than bleach.
The chemical cleaner you use needs to contain hydrochloric acid, but double check first that it’s safe to use as a tile and tub cleaner. Follow the instructions to the letter, as mishandling these products can be potentially hazardous.
For any Questions please call Chambliss Plumbing today

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Friday, October 6, 2017

Water Softener οr Water Filter?

Water Softener οr Water Filter?

Water, thе substance wе depend οn fοr survival; odorless, colorless аnd tasteless уеt fundamental tο thе survival οf аll life. Water wіll dissolve nearly everything іt comes іn contact wіth аnd carries thаt wіth іt. Knowing thаt ουr water supply іѕ safe іѕ іmрοrtаnt аnd knowing potential problems wіth thе water coming іntο ουr home аnd hοw tο mаkе ουr water safer аnd better fοr υѕ іѕ equally іmрοrtаnt.water softeners san antonio

Thеrе аrе a number οf potential problems thаt саn occur wіth thе water thаt comes іntο ουr homes; high levels οf calcium, minerals аnd sediment, otherwise known аѕ hard water. Hard water саn bе really difficult οn уουr home’s plumbing аnd appliances аnd fοr many years people wουld turn tο water softeners thаt υѕе salt tο lessen thе harmful effects οf hard water.

Unsafe water іѕ another problem wе face wіth ουr water supply today. Water wіth bacteria, chemicals, pharmaceuticals аnd carcinogens аrе іn large numbers іn thе public аnd well water systems. It іѕ common fοr people tο install under sink water filters tο provide safe аnd filtered drinking water. Oftеn thе best drinking water filters аrе installed tο remove аѕ many contaminates аѕ possible. Thіѕ takes care οf јυѕt thе drinking рοrtіοn οf thе water wе υѕе еνеrу day.

Sοmе water softener companies аrе adding filters tο thеіr salt source water softening systems аnd going door tο door selling thеm аnd promoting thеm аѕ home water filtration systems. Thеу unfortunately аrе nοt full spectrum filters thаt wіll fully protect thе home frοm thе vast array οf contaminates іn thе water. Further more, thеѕе systems υѕе salt tο ‘soften’ thе water whісh іѕ very damaging tο thе environment аnd саn cause additional health concerns above thе water contaminates thе ‘filter’ dοеѕ nοt catch.

Homes thаt need a way οf softening thе water аѕ well аѕ wishing tο find security іn thеіr water thаt a whole house water filtration system provides wіll οftеn bе disappointed bу thе choices thеу face. A nano-filtration system offers both, a salt free water softener аѕ well аѕ a full spectrum whole house water filtration. Water filtration San Antonio

A water filter tο remove lead, remove arsenic frοm water аnd remove chloramines іѕ combined wіth a softening system thаt dοеѕ nοt υѕе salt οr chemicals. Thеѕе systems аrе suited fοr well water, river water, аnd even public utilities water аnd аrе environmentally safe.

Feel confident thаt аll thе water thаt іѕ used іn уουr home іѕ safe аnd treated. Bу filtering аnd treating thе entire house уου саn feel confident thаt thе water used tο wash clothing аnd dishes іѕ safe. Thе water уουr children bathe іn аnd play іn іѕ free οf harmful bacteria, viruses, pharmaceuticals аnd carcinogens frοm thе detergents added tο thе water. Safe water аnd soft water саn bе hаd; bе careful οf thе door tο door sales thаt try tο convince уου thаt thеіr salt water softener wіth a water filter wіll protect уου

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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Prevent Clogged Toilets and Other Bathroom Mishaps

Prevent Clogged Toilets and Other Bathroom Mishaps

Clogged toilets and other bathroom mishaps can be a major inconvenience and lead to unexpected costs. The good thing is that you don’t need to have advanced plumbing knowledge to make sure your bathroom stays in good working order. Below are some tips that will assist you in preventing clogged toilets and other related issues.Toilet repaairs

Clean your toilet with mild cleaners

There are a lot of everyday household items that you can use to maintain your toilet squeaky clean. These include mild soaps, vinegar, and baking soda. These things will keep your toilet clean and hygienic, and by using them, you’ll be able to spot any potential issues before they start or get worse.

Avoid using chemical drain cleaners

There seems to be a division on the issue of using chemical drain cleaners to unclog toilets. Some plumbers believe that it’s fine to use them, and other plumbers find that there are more disadvantages than advantages to using chemical drain cleaners. Some of the disadvantages are that chemical drain cleaners are health hazards, especially if handled and use incorrectly. They can also damage fixtures and pipes, as well as get rid of any beneficial bacteria residing in your septic tank.

Regularly check your toilets components
Make sure to habitually check the parts of your toilet at least once a year. Do a thorough inspection and check everything is working just as it should.

Don’t use a brick to save water
Placing a brick or heavy object in your water tank is an old trick to save water. However, this method is only useful in old toilets, and it should be avoided as bricks can break off into smaller pieces that can lead to clogged toilets. If you have an older toilet, you can fill a soda or water bottle with small rocks or sand and use that instead.

Fix your bathroom leaks ASAP
A small bathroom leak can add some dollars to your monthly bill, which piles up in the long run. During your regular inspections, check your faucets and toilet for any leaks and when you spot one, make sure to call a plumber to have it repaired as quickly as possible.

Don’t throw trash into the toilet
Everyone that lives in your household, including small children, should learn how to use the toilet properly. This means that everyone needs to know to avoid throwing trash or foreign objects into the toilet. These will cause clogging toilets, which will need professional help to be repaired.

Consider using another type of toilet paper
Very soft or thick toilet paper can create clogs, as it ‘s hard for the septic tank to break it down. This leads to further problems down the road, so consider switching brands, especially if you feel your toilet is always getting clogged.

Invest in a flange plunger
Most frequent clogs can be fixed with a flange plumber and a bucket of hot water. A toilet snake can also be used, but if you’re not familiar with it, then it’s best to call a plumber. They will be able to quickly go to your house, inspect and dispose of the issue.

Get expert plumbing help
Plumbing issues can sometimes be very complicated, and you will not be able to sort them out. There’s nothing wrong with asking a plumber for assist in these types of cases. Some plumbing issues are best left to DIY, where others need expert assistance.

The post Prevent Clogged Toilets and Other Bathroom Mishaps appeared first on Chambliss Plumbing San antonio.


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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

When Should your Garbage Disposal Be Repaired or Replaced?

When Should your Garbage Disposal Be Repaired or Replaced?

You know your appliances won’t last forever, but it is sometimes hard to find out when you need garbage disposal repair or you just need to replace it. When it comes to garbage disposals, they give out some unmistakable signs and clues that will guide you on what you need to do.
If you notice any of the following situations, then you might want to consider either calling a garbage disposal repair professional or even replacing your kitchen garbage disposal.

Frequent Clogs

Your garbage disposal clogs frequently. If you are taking care of your garbage disposal by doing the following things, but still experience many clogs, it’s time to think about repairing or replacing it.
● You always run water while you are using it and at least 20 seconds after you’ve finished.
● The only foods you’re disposing of are those approved by the manufacturer.
● The food you’re disposing of is cut into small pieces, which are fed into the garbage disposal slowly.

Frequent clogs may also mean that you need a larger disposal capacity, so you might want to look into upgrading for a bigger model.

Frequently Pressing the Reset Button

If you feel that you constantly have to press the reset button to get your garbage disposal to work, that is a sure sign that you need garbage disposal repair or replacement, as it could mean a failing motor. It’s okay to have to press the reset button after you’ve cleared a clog or after large amounts of food have been put through the disposal, but anything more frequent than that requires your attention.

Persistent Odors

If you can’t get rid of any persistent odors, even after you’ve tried to freshen the garbage disposal by cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, a sink full of dish soap, citrus peels or ice cubes. A foul odor that won’t go away means that the smell could be trapped in the unit itself or the drain lines.

Dull Blades

If your blades have become dull and you notice that food takes a longer time to grind or clogs are becoming a more frequent occurrence it could mean that the blades are no longer sharp enough to do their job, and you will need to replace the unit.


If you notice constant leaking or have a leak that is not easily fixed, then its time to start thinking about garbage disposal repair. Some leaks can be easily fixed by replacing O-rings or by tightening the connections; other leaks are more complicated and will end up costing you more than a repair in the long run. If the leak is in your sink flange or other parts of the unit, contact a professional plumber to look at your garbage disposal and guide you on the best course of action. garbage Disposal installation

Kitchen or Sink Replacement

You don’t always need to replace your disposal when you’re installing a new sink or upgrading your kitchen appliances, but it could be a good time to do so, especially depending on the age of your unit. Since professionals will already be on-site, it might end up being more convenient and cost-effective to replace an older garbage disposal instead of waiting for the problems to start happening.

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Save water when upgrading your Appliances and Fixtures.

Save water when upgrading your Appliances and Fixtures.

You never actually “finish” your home when you are a homeowner. Appliances, fixtures and other components are always breaking down, aging or going out of fashion, so upgrades come with the territory. When plumbing is taken into account in those improvements, your choices have a significant impact on the amount of water you consume.
New techniques and designs have made low-flow fixtures easier to love, no more dribbling showers! Dishwashers and washing machines are now designed to do more with less water.
If the time has come for you to make a few changes around your house, make sure you consider upgrades below. They will require professional plumbing services to be installed, but they are sure to be a water and money saver in the long run.

Shower heads

On average, seventeen percent of residential water use comes from showering. Most conventional showerheads use around 2.5 gallons of water per minute, but you can find new showerheads that use a maximum of 2 gallons per minute. This might seem like a minor difference, but it adds up over time. On average, a typical family can save around 3,000 gallons of water a year by changing their water heads, and along with saving water you also save extra water heater costs.


Another one of the primary uses for water in households comes from toilets. Toilets account for around 30% of residential water usage. Current standards state that a toilet should use 1.6 gallons per flush, but if your toilet is a couple of decades old, it could be using around six times that. toilet repair san antonio
When you choose a water efficient toilet, you could reduce your water consumption by as much as 60%. This adds up to major savings over a toilets lifespan, which means that a water-efficient toilet is a sound investment.


Your sink faucet can save water by using an aerator, which is a small device injecting air bubbles into the stream. The bubbles displace the water and don’t affect the rinsing ability. If your faucet is in good condition and you don’t want to replace it, you can find aftermarket aerators, which you can attach to your existing features. By using aerators, you can save around 700 gallons of water annually.

Washing Machines

Old washing machines use around 40 gallons of water just by washing a single large load. By switching to a newer and more water efficient model, you will be reducing your water consumption by nearly 30 gallons. The wash cycle may last a little longer, but you get the same results as you would with a less water efficient machine.


Not hand washing your dishes and using your dishwasher is an excellent way to save water, but if you want to get the most out of every drop of water, switching to a water efficient model is the way to go. Older dishwashers can use up to 10 gallons of water per cycle, where water efficient models use up to 4 gallons. Over the lifespan of your dishwasher, this means you can save almost 4000 gallons of water.
If you are curious about what other ways you can save money by doing a few simple upgrades or you’re interested in upgrading to a newer and more efficient model, reach out to professional plumbing services.

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

When Should your Garbage Disposal Be Repaired or Replaced?

When Should your Garbage Disposal Be Repaired or Replaced?

You know your appliances won’t last forever, but it is sometimes hard to find out when you need garbage disposal repair or you just need to replace it. When it comes to garbage disposals, they give out some unmistakable signs and clues that will guide you on what you need to do.
If you notice any of the following situations, then you might want to consider either calling a garbage disposal repair professional or even replacing your kitchen garbage disposal.garbage Disposal installation

Frequent Disposal Clogs

Your garbage disposal clogs frequently. If you are taking care of your garbage disposal by doing the following things, but still experience many clogs, it’s time to think about repairing or replacing it.
● You always run water while you are using it and at least 20 seconds after you’ve finished.
● The only foods you’re disposing of are those approved by the manufacturer.
● The food you’re disposing of is cut into small pieces, which are fed into the garbage disposal slowly.
Frequent clogs may also mean that you need a larger disposal capacity, so you might want to look into upgrading for a bigger model.

Frequently Pressing the Reset Button

If you feel that you constantly have to press the reset button to get your garbage disposal to work, that is a sure sign that you need garbage disposal repair or replacement, as it could mean a failing motor. It’s okay to have to press the reset button after you’ve cleared a clog or after large amounts of food have been put through the disposal, but anything more frequent than that requires your attention.
Persistent Odors
If you can’t get rid of any persistent odors, even after you’ve tried to freshen the garbage disposal by cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, a sink full of dish soap, citrus peels or ice cubes. A foul odor that won’t go away means that the smell could be trapped in the unit itself or the drain lines.

Dull Blades

If your blades have become dull and you notice that food takes a longer time to grind or clogs are becoming a more frequent occurrence it could mean that the blades are no longer sharp enough to do their job, and you will need to replace the unit. San Antonio Plumber


If you notice constant leaking or have a leak that is not easily fixed, then its time to start thinking about garbage disposal repair. Some leaks can be easily fixed by replacing O-rings or by tightening the connections; other leaks are more complicated and will end up costing you more than a repair in the long run. If the leak is in your sink flange or other parts of the unit, contact a professional plumber to look at your garbage disposal and guide you on the best course of action.

Kitchen or Sink Replacement

You don’t always need to replace your disposal when you’re installing a new sink or upgrading your kitchen appliances, but it could be a good time to do so, especially depending on the age of your unit. Since professionals will already be on-site, it might end up being more convenient and cost-effective to replace an older garbage disposal instead of waiting for the problems to start happening. Call us, we at Chambliss Plumbing are happy to answer any and all of your Plumbing concerns

The post When Should your Garbage Disposal Be Repaired or Replaced? appeared first on Chambliss Plumbing San antonio.


from WordPress https://chamblissplumbingtx.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/when-should-your-garbage-disposal-be-repaired-or-replaced/

Monday, May 1, 2017

Troubleshooting Common Garbage Disposal Repair Issues

Troubleshooting Common Garbage Disposal Repair Issues

You might not think a lot about your garbage disposal on a daily basis, but when something isn’t working, the importance of this appliance comes to the forefront of your mind. Simple garbage disposal repair isn’t difficult; you just need the right tools and a little common sense.garbage Disposal installation

Garbage Disposal Won’t Turn On

If nothing happens when you flip the disposal switch, the first thing you need to check is that the reset button has not popped out. If you find that it has, press it back in and check that your disposal is now working. If it isn’t, it might mean that your breaker has tripped.
If the issue is with the breaker, turn it back on and test your garbage disposal again. If it works but the breaker trips again, it means the problem lies somewhere in the electrical motor of your garbage disposal. If this is the case, your best bet is to contact a professional garbage disposal repair service, as they have more specialized knowledge and tools.

Garbage Disposal Won’t Spin or is Making a Humming Noise

If you hear a humming noise when you turn on your garbage disposal but don’t see it turning, it means that it’s getting power, but it’s most likely jammed.
Your first step is to check the disposal drain. Make sure to turn off the circuit breaker, and use a flashlight to inspect for any items that may be blocking it. If you find the culprit, you can use pliers to remove the clog.

Garbage Disposal is Emitting an Unpleasant Smell

A significant amount of food is being shoved down the garbage disposal, so it’s common that eventually, it starts to smell. Any foods that have a strong odor, such as garlic or onions will make your garbage disposal smell especially unpleasant. It’s a very displeasing problem to have when your garbage disposal stinks, but fortunately, it has a very easy fix.
To fix it, apply a small amount of dish soap to a scrub brush, and rub any parts of the disposal you can see, concentrating on the area where the sink basin and the flange meet. Mold and bacteria build up in this area, causing foul smells. If you do this regularly, on a monthly basis, the disposal drain will remain clean, and you won’t have a build-up of smells.
Another easy fix to get rid of nasty smells is to cut up a few lemons into small slices and drop the slices into the disposal to be ground. Lime is also useful if that’s what you have laying around. The ground up lime or lemons will freshen up your drain along with permeating your kitchen with a very pleasant citrus scent. Another way to utilize odors is to drop a few ice cubes down the garbage disposal and grinding them.

Troubleshooting Your Garbage Disposal Repair is Easy

It doesn’t need to be hard for you to do some DIY garbage disposal repair. The problems outlined above are some of the most common that homeowners encounter. Furthermore, you only need simple tools to fix the issues. However, if you find yourself not being able to repair your garbage disposal with these methods, always call a licensed Plumber like Chambliss Plumbing to do the job. You don’t want to make things worse!

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Tell-tale Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

Tell-tale Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

Your water heater may have a long lifespan, but it won’t last forever. Knowing this, it’s important that you are aware of the signs that your water heater will emit when it’s starting to fail. If you are aware of these signs, you can contact a water heater repair professional or purchase a new water heater before it becomes an emergency situation. It’s a smart move that you have a professional inspect your water heater before making a decision, so you know whether to repair or replace it. Below are some of the tell-tale signs you need water heater repair or replacement.Water Heater Repair or Replacement

Presence of Moisture

Moisture in the form of water is needed in your home; you need it to wash your hands, take a shower or do the dishes, amongst other things. However, having moisture where none should be is a definite problem. If your water heater is failing, it may have small fractures and cracks in the tank, and when the metal expands due to heat, leaks can occur. Another reason why your water heater may be leaking is that it has a loose fitting or connection. A water heater repair professional will be able to pinpoint the culprit. If the problem is not loose connections or fittings, then you need to replace your cracked water heater tank to stop the leaks. If you don’t replace your water heater, mold growth and poor indoor air quality are a strong possibility.

Old Age

It’s useful that you know off the top of your head your water heaters approximate age. When you are aware of how old it is, you know when your water heater is reaching the end of its lifespan and arrange to have it replaced. Your water heater will have a manufacturer’s sticker with a serial number that lets you know the timeframe during which it was manufactured. Older water heaters are more prone to break down more frequently and need more repairs.

Rust in Your Water

If you start to see your water coming out rusty, it’s a sure-fire sign that your water heater may be on its last legs. Rust in your water means that your water heater itself is rusting, often leading to leaks. Look for a replacement as soon as you can at the first sign of rust in your water. Sometimes it’s possible that your water heater just needs to be flushed out instead of being completely replaced, so contact your water heater repair professional to get an accurate assessment

Constant Disruptive Sounds

No matter what is causing the sound, when your water heater is being noisy, then it’s due for an inspection and water heater repair service. A knocking or rattling sound in a water heater usually means there is a sediment buildup in the tank. This residue interferes with the heating elements in your water tank, and can also overheat the tank. Notify your water heater repair professional if you hear any sounds, the issue may be resolved by flushing out the tank.
Contact Chambliss Plumbing for professional Service

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Dos and Don’ts of Drain Cleaning

The Dos and Don’ts of Drain Cleaning

A clogged or blocked drain can be a major inconvenience to you and your family, as well as damaging your plumbing system and resulting in expensive repair bills. While there are a variety of home remedies that can help to clear some drain problems, attempting to fix a blocked drain yourself can sometimes cause more damage.
Keep your drain in good condition and save yourself the money it can cost to have it repaired down the line. Follow these dos and don’ts of drain cleaning to keep your household plumbing system clear and healthy.


Have it Professionally Cleared

It is important to have your drains professionally cleared, or snaked. Plumbers_snake

A plumber will be able to use a specialist tool, known as a snake, which can safely reach into the pipes to remove any debris that may be causing a blockage. The snake is a flexible auger tool with a long, coiled wire, which is what enables it to get down into the pipe. Trying to do this at home can cause severe damage to your pipes, as any implement that you may use could snap or break inside.
Having your pipes professionally snaked will help to prevent a build-up of debris and protect them against clogs.
Jet Out Your Sewer Lines
Problems can occur both in your drain lines and in the sewer lines of your home. Experts advise that you have your sewer lines professionally jetted out to clear them properly and clean your drain lines.
A sewer jet is a tool used by professional plumbers or engineers, which uses high pressured water to clean out the sewer lines of any debris or clogs. If your sewer line becomes blocked, this can affect the efficiency of your household plumbing.
A professional will use a high-pressure hose fixed with a jetting nozzle, which can reach underground, to funnel the water through and clear out your sewer lines.


Put Unsuitable Substances Down Your Drain
It may seem harmless to pour something down your kitchen drain as a method of disposal; however, this can potentially damage your drains and the pipes in your home.
Putting the wrong substances or liquid down your drain can cause leaks, blockages, unpleasant odors and even result in your plumbing system breaking down.

Try to avoid pouring everyday household things into the sink, as these could be hazardous to your drains. These can include:
• Fats
• Grease
• Oil
• Cosmetics

Use Acid Drain Cleaners
You can use some drain cleaners sold in supermarkets or other household stores for minor clogs; however, you should not use these often. These drain cleaner may get rid of small blockages in the short term but will cause harm to your plumbing over the long run.
Acid drain cleaner should be avoided at all times, as not only can these cause internal damage to your pipes, but they can also possibly result in painful burns or severe injury.
Other substances can have the same effect, including vinegar, disinfectants, paint and solvents. Always be cautious, and when in doubt, call your plumber.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Five Things You Should Never Flush Down The Toilet

Five Things You Should Never Flush Down The Toilet

It can be convenient to flush different bits of household waste down the toilet as a form of disposal, and many of us do not think about the consequences of this. While it can seem harmless to flush a variety of items down the toilet in your home, many of these will become stuck in the pipes or drains and therefore cause a dangerous blockage. Toilets unclogged

Avoid causing unnecessary damage by ensuring you don’t flush the wrong things down your toilet.

What Can You Flush?

Knowing what is safe to flush down your toilet is often easier than finding out what is unsuitable. There are only three main things that you should flush, encompassing all forms of human waste and toilet paper.
On the other hand, there is an extensive list of unsuitable items that people have been found to flush down the toilet in their homes, some of which can be surprising. Most people are guilty of flushing toiletries and bathroom items that are believed to be suitable but can cause your pipes to become blocked and damage your drains.
Take a look through this list, and next time you find yourself about to flush one of these items, stop and think twice about the best way to dispose of it.

Bathroom Wipes
Wet wipes are often found in many people’s bathrooms alongside baby wipes as they can be used to freshen up. You can purchase bathroom wipes that are supposed to be flushable; however, many of these are not degradable so you should throw them in the trash.
Most people do not consider these as something to avoid putting in the toilet and think that, like toilet paper, they are designed to be flushed.
Bathroom wipes are one of the leading causes of clogs and blockages both in the home and in the main sewer lines of the wider area.

Feminine Hygiene Products
Public bathrooms and restrooms often provide an alternative method of disposal for feminine hygiene products such as tampons or sanitary towels. However, in the home it can be harder to find a suitable method of disposal, meaning many people often opt to flush these down the toilet. While doing this can be a much easier, more convenient and quicker option but is more likely to cause your drains to become blocked, as they are not designed to be flushed.

Disposable diapers are designed to be thrown out with other household waste and trash, rather than flushed away.
While it may appear suitable to flush these down the toilet, the diaper itself cannot be broken down and will most likely become stuck in your drain.clogged toilets san antonio

Fats, Oils, and Grease
Food substances and liquids such as fats, oils or grease can damage your household pipes, resulting in a costly repair bill.
Hot liquids, particularly grease, will congeal when they cool down. Since they congeal, it means that if you flush them away, they will start to clog the drain, causing harmful damage over time.

Dental Floss
You floss your teeth in the bathroom, meaning it can be easy just to flush the used dental floss after you use it.
Floss is non-biodegradable and will become tangled with other objects, creating a series of small clogs that will eventually cause a lot of damage.
These are just a few of a long list of items that people flush down their toilets, but are unsuitable and potentially hazardous. When in doubt, just throw it in the trash.

The post Five Things You Should Never Flush Down The Toilet appeared first on Chambliss Plumbing San antonio.


from WordPress https://chamblissplumbingtx.wordpress.com/2017/01/03/five-things-you-should-never-flush-down-the-toilet/