Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Most Common Causes for Leaky Faucets

Most Common Causes for Leaky Faucets
Plumbing issues are a significant cause of headaches for homeowners. It can be something as simple as a leaking faucet or something as substantial as a burst pipe or another plumbing emergency, but any plumbing mishap can leave you with added stress and an expensive repair bill.

One of the most common plumbing issues, and luckily one of the easiest to deal with, is a leaky faucet. The typical reasons a faucet may leak include a mineral deposit on the internal parts, defective washers, gaskets or o-rings, as well as corrosion.

Fortunately, most leaky taps can be easily fixed by the homeowner, you just need to have the proper tools. You never want to ignore a leaky faucet, as not only will you be wasting hundreds of gallons of water a month, but also your repair bill can rise from $200 to over a $1000.

Read on for the most common causes of leaking faucets, as well on how you can fix them, and save yourself water, time and money.
O-Ring issues: Your O-Ring is responsible for keeping the seals airtight on your faucet. A leaky faucet, especially when the leak is happening by the handle where the O-Ring is located, means that you will need a replacement. This usually is an easy fix, and it just means that your O-Ring was worn out and not creating as much of a seal as it should have.

Broken seals: Outlet and inlet seals play a vital part in controlling water flow. Over time, these seals can wear out due to use and sediment buildup, causing the faucet to leak. To have the tap work effectively, you can either replace the seals and repair the issue, or have a plumber clean out the sediment from the seals.

Loose parts: The packing nuts and adjusting ring in the steam screw can become loose with time and usage, causing the handle of the faucet to leak. If you notice the water dripping from near the handle, you need to either tighten or completely replace the packing nut.

Changes in water pressure: Unstable water pressure can be the reason why your faucet is leaking, especially if it only leaks at certain times during the course of the day. Too high water pressure means water is backed up and looks for ways to be released, which tend to include your faucet. If you believe water pressure is the reason behind your problem, then contacting a plumber to inspect the pressure is the most efficient way to deal with this issue.

Broken plumbing: If you have checked the seal, replaced the O-Ring and you are confident your water pressure is stable, the cause of your leaky faucet could be a busted plumbing fixture. Constant use and age can crack fixtures, causing them to leak water. The smartest way to handle this situation is to contact a professional plumber, as DIY on this issue is not recommended.
Sediment buildup and corrosion: Sediment build up causes corrosion, and it’s a significant contributor to leaky faucets. The faucet connections or the valve seat can be affected by corrosion, which leads to leaks. To avoid corrosion, we recommend regularly cleaning out the sediments from the valve seat.

The post Most Common Causes for Leaky Faucets appeared first on Chambliss Plumbing San antonio.


from WordPress https://chamblissplumbingtx.wordpress.com/2018/01/30/most-common-causes-for-leaky-faucets/

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Warning Signs That You Need A Pipe Repair

Warning Signs That You Need A Pipe Repair

If you want to reduce your utility bills this fall, one of the most essential plumbing services to consider is pipe repair. It can be difficult for homeowners to spot problems with their pipes, as they are typically located under floors and between walls.
Therefore, you could have a problem with your pipes and not even know it, meaning the problem could be growing and becoming worse. If the issue is a leaky pipe, this can cost you a lot of money on wasted water and an increased water bill, or even lead to an expensive water damage restoration service. busted pipes - pipe repair san antonio
However, there’s no need to despair as identifying the signs of a pipe problem is not that complicated. You just need to take a closer look around your home, which will help you in determining if your pipes are in need of professional repair.
When Should I Contact a Plumber for Pipe Repair?
Signs of leaky pipes may not be what you expect, so take note of the following warning signs that you need pipe repair.
Rust spots: Your water pipes run throughout the whole of your house, so if you spot a rust spot, even if it’s in a place you wouldn’t expect to find it, it could mean that your pipes are old and rusting, and need replacing.
Replacing your pipes can be very expensive, so before you start to panic or spend lots of money restoring your pipes, contact a trusted local plumber. They will advise you if your pipes can be fixed, or if a replacement is imminent.
Unexplained holes and cracks: Any pipes with visible cracks or holes is a need for concern. The older your pipes, the more at risk they are of physical damage. If you allow this damage to persist, it will only get worse, so make sure you contact a plumber at the first visible sign of physical pipe damage.
Corrosion in your pipes: Some pipes will be visible, such as the pipes in your basement and the outside of your house. You need to check these pipes for corrosion regularly. If there are any corroded pipes, then the pipes inside your home are also corroding, and they need immediate attention before they burst.
Decrease in water pressure: If you start to notice that the water pressure in your home has decreased, making it more difficult to wash dishes and take showers, this usually means that your pipes are failing. When experiencing any unexplained drops in water pressure, you need to contact a plumber to inspect your pipes, as they could collapse at any moment.
Old Home: If your home was built a long time ago, it’s possible that you still have the home’s original pipes, which can become an issue. The older the house gets, so do the pipes, making corrosion and rust very likely. If you believe that your pipes are original, then contact a plumber to inspect them, just in case. pipe repair san antonio
Damp floors and walls: Any water stains on your floors or walls mean that you need to contact a professional for pipe leak repair as quickly as possible before severe water damage occurs. Damp floors and walls will lead to mold growth, decreasing your air quality and the health of you and your family.

The post Warning Signs That You Need A Pipe Repair appeared first on Chambliss Plumbing San antonio.


from WordPress https://chamblissplumbingtx.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/warning-signs-that-you-need-a-pipe-repair/